

International maritime shipping

Maritime shipping is at the center of our daily operations. Our well-established relationships with reliable ocean carriers, state-of-the-art tracking technology, guaranteed cargo space and extremely competitive rates, ensure that you will receive the best customized ocean shipping services.

Our services


“Full Container Load” Maritime Shipments


“Less than Container Load” Maritime shipments


Overweight and Oversized Shipments


Warehouse and container yard services for ocean freight shipments

Logistic Solutions through Technology

Savino Del Bene has the technology to track goods from every point of origin to every destination thanks to our operating system that is linked to INTTRA. This international portal connects shipping companies and end users so that bookings and policy instructions can be done via EDI.

For an extra level of protection while containers are in transit you can request we use protection devices that create an effective customized geo-fencing system. These devices provide real-time monitoring of the container’s travel route, alert us to any possible container tampering, and if necessary the need for security forces to intervene.

More information on shipping by sea is provided in the attached documents which are available for download here.

More information on shipping by sea is provided in the attached documents which are available for download here.

Contact our experts for advice


"Full container load" Maritime shipments

Savino Del Bene can safely and reliably arrange for the movement of full container loads of all sizes and weights. This tailor made service is an excellent choice for those customers who to need to move large quantities in the most cost effective way to all points around the globe.


"Less than Container Load" Maritime shipments

For smaller quantities our ocean LCL service is the perfect solution to efficiently move your merchandise. We arrange for the collection and the consolidation of orders from various vendors and send them as one shipment. You will receive the cost benefits of shipping by ocean and pay for only the space you use within the container. This service is available to destinations throughout the world for regular dry cargo, and for cargo requiring temperature control.


Overweight and Oversized Shipments

This specialized service is for overweight or oversized shipments that cannot be moved by standard ocean freight containers. These complex shipments are handled by our team of experts through our “Special Projects” program. Every single aspect from document management, customs clearance, and local delivery at destination will all be executed to meet your exact needs.


Warehouse and container yard services for ocean freight shipments

Our services include the loading and unloading of containers at our warehouses as well as the parking and positioning of containers and chassis in our secured container yards.

We also handle other important details such as; the weighing of cargo for Verified Gross Mass (VGM), as well as the segregating, measuring, and labeling of cargo.
We operate using the highest level of security safeguards that are recognized throughout the industry. Security seals and safety devices are provided to aid in the prevention of theft or tampering, and to assist our operators at destination in identifying any issues. For those shipments requiring temperature control, our temperature recording devices can monitor the shipment while in transit, to be sure the integrity of the products remains intact.


Spedizioni per carichi speciali

Questo servizio speciale è destinato alle spedizioni di merci fuori sagoma o/e con pesi che non rientrano nelle misure ordinarie delle spedizioni FCL o che richiedono una movimentazione fuori dagli standard. Un team di esperti, tra cui gli specialisti in Progetti Speciali, curano ogni singolo aspetto al fine di semplificare le spedizioni più complesse: dal trasporto dal luogo di produzione, alla consegna nel luogo di destinazione, carico e scarico attraverso navi specializzate, alla gestione documentale (permessi per la circolazione stradale portuale e di navigazione). Garantiamo una soluzione sempre personalizzata e flessibile per il vostro business.


Spedizioni marittime “Less than Container Load”

Quando i quantitativi di merce sono ridotti ma non si vuole rinunciare ai vantaggi della spedizione via mare, il servizio LCL consente di consolidare diverse partite di merce per la stessa destinazione. Offriamo questo servizio sulle più importanti rotte marittime, sia per merce dry che per merce a temperatura controllata.


Compila i campi per tracciare la spedizione


Complete la información para rastrear el envío


Fill in the information to track the shipment


Spedizioni marittime “Full Container Load”

Questo servizio è la formula ottimale per lo spostamento di grandi quantitativi. Infatti il container viene riempito totalmente con la merce di un unico destinatario. Una tra le soluzioni più utilizzate è quella door to door, a cui si aggiunge, oltre alla spedizione via mare, un servizio multimodale su gomma o su rotaia, indipendentemente da quale sia il punto di partenza o di destinazione.