
Tunnel Boring Machine Gaia: the Remarkable Journey from Germany to Turin, Italy

Savino Del Bene has successfully completed the complex shipment operation of "Gaia" Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM) from Schwanau, Germany to Turin, Italy.

Talpa Meccanica Gaia - Spedizione Germania - Italia

Florence, July 19th 2024

Savino Del Bene, one of the leading companies in the field of international logistics and transportation, with 337 offices in 60 countries, has recently successfully completed a complex transport operation. The shipment concerned the four fundamental components of the Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM), named “Gaia,” necessary for the construction of Turin’s rainwater metro system. The new collector will run under the city for 14.4 km and will be excavated at a depth of over 20 meters. The whole project will cost over 146 million euros. The shipment’s route followed a complex itinerary, combining various modes of transportation to ensure maximum efficiency and safety.

From Schwanau to Rotterdam
The journey began in Schwanau, where the four pieces – exceptional in size and weight – were loaded onto trucks at the manufacturer’s plant and transported to the river port of Kehl. Gaia’s voyage continued on a barge that sailed along the Rhine, to Rotterdam.

Sea Freight
In Rotterdam, the valuable “Gaia” components were loaded onto a Break Bulk ship chartered by Savino Del Bene, which carried out the sea transport to Italy. The ship docked at the terminal in Genoa, where the pieces were unloaded and prepared for the final leg of the journey.

Overland and Delivery
The final step of the shipment was carried out by CRT Udine’s trucks, a Savino Del Bene Group’s subsidiary, which specializes in handling exceptional loads.In Turin, the components were delivered directly to the construction site, ready for assembly, and contribute to the development of the city’s infrastructure.

This shipment operation – carried out in the year the Company celebrates its 125 years of activity – represents a perfect example of complex and coordinated logistics, in which Savino Del Bene has deployed its expertise and competence to ensure timely and safe delivery of materials of high-value commodities.

Press Release
Media and Logo 125° Anniversary

Press Office:
Savino Del Bene;
Ph. 055 5219816


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