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Code of Ethics and Anti Bribery guidelines

Code of Ethics

Savino Del Bene S.p.A in carrying out its activities complies with the laws and regulations in force in all of the countries where it does business. The Company acts in observance of the principles of liberty, dignity of the human person and respect for diversity, rejecting any discrimination based on gender, race, language, personal and social conditions, and religious and political beliefs. The Company seeks to build its own growth by strengthening an image that is true to the values of fairness and loyalty. It believes therefore that the respect for ethical rules and transparency in the conduct of business is a necessary condition, as well as a competitive advantage, in order to pursue and achieve its objectives. To this end, Savino Del Bene S.p.A. promotes the creation of an environment featuring a strong sense of ethical integrity, in the firm belief that such an aspect is crucial for the effectiveness of policies and control systems, affecting conduct that might otherwise escape most sophisticated supervision systems..
Therefore, the Company has adopted a document, called “Code of Ethics” which governs the rights, duties and responsibilities that Savino Del Bene S.p.A. assumes while performing its corporate activities towards all stakeholders that deal with it directly or indirectly and that are capable of influencing its activity or are influenced by it.

Anti Bribery guidelines

These Anti-Bribery Guidelines are a policy document issued by the company’s top management to identify and set up anti-corruption strategies by specifically analysing the risks of bribery that can be actually identified in the company and by drawing up relevant protocols, regarded as organisational tools to prevent the risk of bribery. The aim of the Anti-Bribery Guidelines therefore is to identify specific ethical and behavioural rules for combating bribery, which establish as illegal all of those activities carried out by employees, consultants and associate workers for or on behalf of the company, which allow the latter, either directly or indirectly, to achieve an illegal interest and/or advantage. The effective and tangible implementation of the Anti-Bribery Guidelines is ensured not only through adequate personnel reporting/training but also by using a system of specific surveys and/or by gathering and analysing information, reports and violations. In order to ensure effective application of the document, disciplinary measures are applied in the event of a breach, regardless of whether these breaches have actually led to corrupt behaviour or have exposed the Company to sanctions.
Savino Del Bene does not accept any form of bribery and is committed to abiding by the anti-bribery laws in force in all countries in which it operates. The purpose of the Guidelines is to guarantee principles of transparency and to ensure clarity with regard to permitted conduct and compliance with relevant anti-bribery legislation wherever Savino Del Bene conducts its business.

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Spedizioni per carichi speciali

Questo servizio speciale è destinato alle spedizioni di merci fuori sagoma o/e con pesi che non rientrano nelle misure ordinarie delle spedizioni FCL o che richiedono una movimentazione fuori dagli standard. Un team di esperti, tra cui gli specialisti in Progetti Speciali, curano ogni singolo aspetto al fine di semplificare le spedizioni più complesse: dal trasporto dal luogo di produzione, alla consegna nel luogo di destinazione, carico e scarico attraverso navi specializzate, alla gestione documentale (permessi per la circolazione stradale portuale e di navigazione). Garantiamo una soluzione sempre personalizzata e flessibile per il vostro business.


Spedizioni marittime “Less than Container Load”

Quando i quantitativi di merce sono ridotti ma non si vuole rinunciare ai vantaggi della spedizione via mare, il servizio LCL consente di consolidare diverse partite di merce per la stessa destinazione. Offriamo questo servizio sulle più importanti rotte marittime, sia per merce dry che per merce a temperatura controllata.


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Spedizioni marittime “Full Container Load”

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