


We will guide you to the right cargo coverage that meets the specific requirements of your business. We work with the best and highest-ranked companies and brokers worldwide to insure your shipment against the risks associated with global transportation, from origin to destination.

We have built a team of qualified insurance specialists and offer insurance programs that cover all phases of logistics, both dynamic and static, with few exceptions.

Our insurance programs, available through our global network of offices, offer you tested, structured, and flexible policies. We also provide guidance regarding insurance coverage / conditions for shipments under letters of credit.

Our services

The coverage conditions are those provided by the insurance market and any required insurance clauses are updated to meet the latest conditions.


“All Risks” insurance coverage


Insurance coverage “with named risks”


Insurance coverage for special cargo


Copertura assicurativa “Rischi nominati”

Cargo coverage versus carrier liability profile

This type of coverage is the best option at your disposal to ensure reimbursement of the full value of the damages incurred, as opposed to the claims processed according to the applicable rules that regulate the parameters of carriers’ liability. For this reason, we recommend that all shipments are properly insured through us.

Our insurers have an international network of experts who are ready to help you in the event of any damage, anyway and anywhere. You will have access to a highly qualified staff in the area of risk management who offers assistance: from choosing the best policy, to the claims handling, highlighting the legal updates related to the liability profile. Our role is to keep you informed and help protecting your cargo going to any final destination.

Contact our experts for advice


"All Risks" insurance coverage

This is the largest coverage of all Institute Cargo Clauses (insurance conditions) and refers to the direct material damage that the cargo may suffer during shipping, such as: stranding on rocks, stranding on sandbars, collisions, overturning, derailment, fire, explosion, earthquake, lightning, theft, robbery, common and general damage, and much more.


Insurance coverage "with named risks"

This clause provides less extensive coverage than ICC A. It is typically used for second-hand goods and the warranty for general average remains included.


Insurance coverage for special cargo

We offer insurance policies dedicated to special items, such as: fashion and luxury, furniture and furnishing decor, pharmaceuticals, building materials and construction systems, raw materials, project cargo, machinery and automotive, fine arts, beverages and spirits, fruits and vegetables. Ad hoc insurance policies are also provided in the event that it is necessary to carry out shipments at controlled temperatures. In addition, we can provide customized coverage for goods destined to events, fairs and exhibitions, both for the exposition and the return to origin. We can also assist you in finding the best insurance policies for your goods requiring warehouse storage.


Copertura assicurativa “a rischi nominati”

Fornisce una copertura meno ampia rispetto a ICC A. Questa clausola è tipicamente usata per la merce di seconda mano. Resta ad ogni modo inclusa la garanzia per l’avaria generale.


Spedizioni per carichi speciali

Questo servizio speciale è destinato alle spedizioni di merci fuori sagoma o/e con pesi che non rientrano nelle misure ordinarie delle spedizioni FCL o che richiedono una movimentazione fuori dagli standard. Un team di esperti, tra cui gli specialisti in Progetti Speciali, curano ogni singolo aspetto al fine di semplificare le spedizioni più complesse: dal trasporto dal luogo di produzione, alla consegna nel luogo di destinazione, carico e scarico attraverso navi specializzate, alla gestione documentale (permessi per la circolazione stradale portuale e di navigazione). Garantiamo una soluzione sempre personalizzata e flessibile per il vostro business.


Spedizioni marittime “Less than Container Load”

Quando i quantitativi di merce sono ridotti ma non si vuole rinunciare ai vantaggi della spedizione via mare, il servizio LCL consente di consolidare diverse partite di merce per la stessa destinazione. Offriamo questo servizio sulle più importanti rotte marittime, sia per merce dry che per merce a temperatura controllata.


Compila i campi per tracciare la spedizione


Complete la información para rastrear el envío


Fill in the information to track the shipment


Spedizioni marittime “Full Container Load”

Questo servizio è la formula ottimale per lo spostamento di grandi quantitativi. Infatti il container viene riempito totalmente con la merce di un unico destinatario. Una tra le soluzioni più utilizzate è quella door to door, a cui si aggiunge, oltre alla spedizione via mare, un servizio multimodale su gomma o su rotaia, indipendentemente da quale sia il punto di partenza o di destinazione.