Savino Del Bene has created a digital space to offer employees and all citizens the possibility of reporting any or alleged unlawfulness about which they have come to know. Savino Del Bene has always been particularly attentive to the prevention of risks which could compromise the responsible and sustainable management of its business. For this reason, adhering to the ANAC indications, the Reporting Procedure – Whistleblowing portal has been created. It is a web tool available for all who wish to report situations which could cause damage or detriment to the company, like fraud, generic risks or a potentially dangerous situation.
The portal is part of the internal control tools adopted by the Savino Del Bene group in order to prevent corruption, guarantee honesty and transparency when conducting business and in the activities carried out, and protect its standing and reputation.
The reports must be made in good faith and not anonymously. To protect the “reporter” as much as possible, the necessary security measures have been put in place: the identity of whoever submits a report and its content will be kept confidential through secure protocols and encryption tools which allow the protection of personal data and information, including the information disclosed in any attachment.
The corporate body responsible for the management of the reports is the Supervisory Board. The reports are managed in a transparent manner through a predefined procedure. The entire process guarantees the reporters protection from pressure and discrimination, be it direct or indirect, from the individuals responsible for the verification of the reports. The identity of the reporter shall never be revealed without consent from the reporter, with the exception of cases in which the verifications conducted following the reports do not fall within the specific case of criminal, administrative or tribunal investigations, or they give rise to a disciplinary procedure based solely on the complaint received, for which knowledge of the identity of the author of the report is absolutely essential to the defence of the accused.
Therefore, Whistleblowing represents an important pillar of the security system of Savino Del Bene.
Thanks to secure communication protocols and encryption systems, the portal:
- Protects the identity of the reporter and does not disclose it without the explicit consent of the reporter;
- Protects the identity of the accused;
- Maintains the confidentiality of the information in all contexts following the report;
- Permits the computerised management of reports to company departments responsible for receiving and verifying them