
Ukraine, 10 thousand kilos of aid collected by the Florentine Misericordie on the Savino Del Bene truck

Yesterday a Savino Del Bene’s truck arrived in Poland, on the border with Ukraine, loaded with 10 thousand kilos of benefit for the Ukrainian populations collected by Misericordie. The cargo contained 32 pallets of various kinds of humanitarian aid: non-perishable food, medicines, medical devices and hygiene stuff.

The materials were collected by the individual Misericordie and transported to Florence by the territorial coordinators in the logistic center managed by the Regional Federation of the Misericordie of Tuscany and by the Coordination of the Misericordie of the Florentine Area in the spaces (about 800 square meters) made available by Mercafir, before being loaded onto the truck for transport to Ukraine.

“Our commitment to support the Ukrainian population, hit by this tragedy, continues and it is strengthened, in the spirit of solidarity, assistance and mutual aid that has always characterized voluntary associations. Ours is a small contribution, but peace is also built through the small gestures of solidarity, which can trigger a virtuous chain of generosity “,  Andrea Ceccherini, president of the Coordination of Misericordie of the Florentine Area, declared.

“Social responsibility is an element deeply rooted in Savino Del Bene’s identity and strategy, which is confirmed by our commitment to the community in which we operates. Faced with a humanitarian tragedy, such as the one that is taking place in Ukraine, we could not to remain unmoved. Supporting people is in our DNA: every year the company collects food and primary goods to be sent to Los Quinchos, a charity in Nicaragua that provides hospitality to abandoned and abused children”, Paolo Nocentini, President of Savino Del Bene, said.

It was the third shipment of aid to the Ukrainian populations collected by the Misericordie in Tuscany. The first trip – last March 3 – was carried out with 8 vehicles and 24 quintals of goods and on their return the volunteers brought 26 Ukrainian refugee mothers and children to Italy. The second convoy – a mobile column of 12 vehicles and two trucks – left on 11 March with one hundred pallets of medicine and food and had brought 30 refugees back.



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Spedizioni marittime “Full Container Load”

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